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The Style Maker

We are looking for people with a distinctive manner of expressing their brand or who are leaders in their chosen field and have an inspiring story to share with our readers.

The business or business leader can be located anywhere around the world, in any industry as long as your story prompts, energizes, excites, moves, spurs or fires up our readers to dream big!

So many wonderful, brilliant and successful people such as Oprah Winfrey, Richard Branson, Tory Burch, Ita Buttrose etc (as per our ‘Inspirational Celebrity’ feature) are so generous with their time and share their knowledge and wisdom to help inspire so many. We all know how important it is to give back in life and if we can inspire, even just one person to start living their ideal life, that’s a great place to begin.

If you are an entrepreneur or leader in your field or know an inspiring person who should be featured, be sure to let us know. We have tried to make it as easy as possible to submit your article. Simply copy and paste the following interview questions into our email link below.

Here are some questions for the ‘Heels Agency Interview’ to help get you started. Please add any additional information you would like to share.

Simply click this EMAIL link and paste your responses with ‘Heels Agency Interview’ in the subject line.  In addition to the interview responses include your photos in a jpeg or gif format as an attachment. Please also include all social media links in your responses to be included in your featured article.

We thank you for taking the time to help us inspire the next generation of leaders and sharing your inspirational journey.

Heels Agency Interview












(products or service you provide and your target audience)


1. Your chosen path?

Please share with us what being a business owner or business leader in your field means to you and why you chose this path in the first place?

2. Brand in marketplace?

How would you describe your position in the marketplace? What would you say is the distinctive quality or style about your products or services?

3. Did you have any fears?

Yes, we all remember that exciting moment when ‘the’ business idea or dream job opportunity came to light. For most of us, it felt like a combination of sheer excitement mixed in with some fear. Do you remember if you felt any fear? And, what it was?

4. In hindsight, would you?

As they say, “hindsight is a beautiful thing”! If you experienced fears before starting your business or taking on that amazing job, do you wish you put fear aside and just got on with it? If so, what advice would you give to others in this situation?

5. Your own show benefits?

There are so many different reasons as to why people are motivated to get into their own business or take on that challenging leadership role. What would you say are some of the greatest benefits of running your own show?

6. Leadership challenges?

Every business owner and business leader knows with business comes challenges, if it were easy, everyone would be running a business. What would you say are some of the greatest challenges of being a business owner/leader?

7. Your influence in business?

Do you have anyone or anything that has inspired you on your journey? If so, what would you say has been your greatest influence in business to date and why?

8. Three things to keep in mind?

Let’s face it; there are so many things to keep in mind when it comes to business. But what would you say are the three key things (you may add more if you wish) you have learnt as a business owner or business leader that has served you well over the years?

9. Best advice received?

Again, I’m sure you have received lots over time. What would be the best advice you received in business and/or life that you wish to pass on to others?

10. Advice you would give?

Regardless of our age, when starting a new business or leadership role, we should all be open to helpful tips from the experts. What advice would you give others starting a business or taking on a leadership role?

11. Any resources or tools?

Are you able to share any useful resources or handy tools that have helped you run your business?

Is there anything else you’d like to share with our readers?

What’s the best way for our readers to get in connect with you (please include the links to your social network and website).

When submitting your responses, please include a jpeg photo of you along with any additional photos of your products and services in the same email. A few pictures of you at work or play would also be great!

Please note: Heels Agency reserves the right to not accept any interviews or delete any interviews we feel are not relevant or inappropriate for our readers. Incomplete interviews will also be discarded. Please CONTACT US to follow up details.